Story: Barramundi Crudo
Airdate: Ep 5, 26 May 2019
Presenter: Russell Blaikie
Ingredients (Serves 4)
250g fresh fish fillet (Russell used backyard aquaponic Barramundi)
2 radish, shaved
1 fennel bulb, shaved
Seeds and juice from ½ a pomegranate
¼ cup extra virgin olive oil
Juice of ½ a lime
¼ teaspoon caster sugar
Sea salt and pepper to taste
Dill to garnish
Slice fish across the fillet into paper thin slices and arrange on your serving platter.
Season with sea salt and pepper
Combine the seeds and juice from the pomegranate, olive oil, lime juice and sugar and set aside.
Sprinkle fish with pomegranate dressing. Generously sprinkle with shaved radish and fennel and garnish with dill. Serve immediately.
Fresh produce supplied by: