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Harvey beef fillet with Matt Stone

Story: Harvey Beef with Matt Stone
Episode: Episode 8
Presenter: Georgia Moore
Air Date: 5th June 2022

100% Western Australian Beef for the best flavour.
Sustainably farming for Animal Welfare.
High-quality Beef is capable of use in a variety of cooking methods.
For over 100 years Harvey beef has been supplying Western Australian beef.

From humble beginnings in 1919 and now proudly owned by a sixth-generation WA farming family, Harvey beef has worked with a specially selected group of local cattle farmers who share our commitment to outstanding quality, exceptional taste and sustainability from paddock to plate.

Recipe: Harvey beef fillet.

Sauce Ingredients

  • Shallots.
  • Garlic.
  • Mixed mushrooms.
  • Butter.
  • Worcestershire sauce.
  • Seeded mustard.
  • Heavy cream.
  • Orange wine.


  1. Truss up the beef to make a nice even roast.
  2. Seal the beef off in a heavy-based pan to caramelise.
  3. Place beef on the oven rack on a tray and finish cooking in the oven if required.
  4. Cook to medium-rare.
  5. Let rest.
  6. Reserve resting juices.
  7. In the same pan, the beef was cooked in melt some butter and olive oil and cooked off the diced shallots and garlic.
  8. Add the mushrooms and sauce till softening.
  9. Add the Worcestershire sauce, meat juices and mustard.
  10. Cook for a min and add orange wine.
  11. Reduce by half and add cram.
  12. Turn down the heat and cook till thickened.
  13. Season with salt and heaps of cracked black pepper.

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