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Kalamunda Farmers Market

Story – Kalamunda Farmers Market
Airdate: Ep 2, 5 May 2019
Presenter – Peter Manifis

Looking to get to know your local growers? Peter heads to the Hills to WA’s best farmers market: the Kalamunda Farmers Market

  • On every Sunday (8-12), local growers bring their freshest and ripest crop to the Kalamunda Markets, where you can browse or buy.
  • These markets really showcase how you can connect local growers directly to the customer: you! Always ensuring your produce is farm fresh, retaining more of its nutritional value, being so close to harvest.
  • Head to the markets and chat to Jeff, a local organic fruit grower, who will give you a sneak peek at some of his freshest picked apples.
  • Chat to local growers such as Helen of Helen’s Hellish and hear all about her homemade pickles and jams using seasonal fruit and vegetables
  • Morris, an avocado grower can share with you about the myths of the prices of avocados and how by going straight to the grower, you can save!
  • Head out to the hills on Sunday and support local by getting all your fresh produce!

